Thank you for exploring the upper division at St. Hilda’s & St. Hugh’s! As the upper division director, I am so pleased to be a part of this warm and welcoming community where students and teachers find joy in learning and take to heart the school's mission to foster “unity in diversity.”
The upper division faculty and I share a deep commitment to nurturing middle and upper school students. From fourth grade through eighth, so much growth and discovery takes place, and guiding students and their families at this critical stage of development is tremendously rewarding.
Students entering fourth grade can be both cautious and also eager to take on the new challenges that they will encounter in the next five years. Our exceptional faculty inspire them to become scholars in their own right, and students’ sense of independence deepens with each year. By graduation, students will have read broadly and deeply; solved complex mathematical problems and tackled ethical ones; served their neighbors in our community; performed Shakespeare; created and exhibited original artwork; conquered the periodic table of elements; competed on athletic teams; learned Latin; and made music together. It is a privilege to take part in this incredible time of growth for our students and their families.
Thomas Blodgett
Upper Division Director